Legal Tech Webinars Nov & Dec 2020

Stefanie Santana
3 min readNov 12, 2020


A curated list of legal innovation online events from around the world


Paid events marked with **

Nov & Dec Legal Tech Forum 2020 (Italian)

L’edizione 2020 darà voce a studi legali, aziende e università ma anche a startup e giovani talenti, soggetti certamente meritevoli di emergere. Il legal tech è un settore fortemente interdisciplinare che necessita di un maggiore dialogo tra i numerosi, quanto diversi, attori coinvolti.

Legal Tech Forum 2020 — Web Edition vuole essere l’epicentro di questo dibattito tecnico, sociale e culturale sui vantaggi e i rischi connessi alle nuove tecnologie, favorendo la contaminazione tra i partecipanti, a prescindere dalla loro seniority, e la creazione di opportunità professionali.

Gli argomenti portanti oggetto delle call for webinars sono Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, Cyber Insurance, Cyber Security, Data Protection, Digital Forensics, Intellectual Property, Internet of Everything, Legal Automation, Legal Design, Post Covid-19 Legal Management e Regulatory Technology. Register here

Dec 1&3 Global Legal Tech Report Webinar

Backed by legal tech associations across the globe and industry-leading research partners, we’ve been able to identify major trends within the legal tech industry, including:

  • What type of legal tech companies are there and who are they serving?
  • What type of people have founded legal tech companies and what sort of roles do they recruit for?
  • Which programming languages and cloud services are legal tech companies using?
  • Which revenue models are legal tech companies using and why?
  • Have legal tech companies used investors to grow their business and if so, how did they raise funds?
  • What are legal tech companies’ largest costs and where are they looking to invest?

To make access easier for our global audience, we are holding the webinar twice, covering exactly the same content, but at times which are friendly for the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Register here

(NEW) Dec 7 Global LegalTech Summit 2020

Join us at the most innovative Legal Technology Conference this year. Listen to the most esteemed practitioners in Legal Tech, and participate in the #LegalTechHacks Hackaton! Network with global leaders in LawTech, learn and listen to esteemed legal professionals and experts as they share and discuss on the latest in Technology in the Legal Industry. Expect a world class virtual summit, with international Speakers & a global audience, across topics most relevant to the Legal Technology Industry. Discover industry use cases of Justice Tech, Digital Transformation in Law, Futureproofing the Legal Professional. Learn about Women in Legal Technology & Responsible AI in the Legal Context. Register here

(NEW) Nov 30 - 4 CDO LATAM SUMMIT (Espanol)

Cumpliendo con nuestro propósito de impulsar el uso estratégico de los datos y la analítica en América Latina, este año celebraremos el CDO LATAM SUMMIT 2020, con un enfoque transversal a las diferentes áreas de las organizaciones. Contaremos con invitados de primer nivel que compartirán con nosotros sus casos de éxito y recomendaciones divididos en los siguientes temas: el uso de los datos a nivel estratégico, impacto económico en el negocio a partir de los datos, transformación cultura analítica, desarrollo de la gestión de datos en la organización y gobierno digital orientado al sector público. Register here



Stefanie Santana
Stefanie Santana

Written by Stefanie Santana

Legal Technologist and chef aficionado | Currently in Tokyo | English, French & Spanish. Let’s Connect! LinkedIn: Stefanie V. Santana

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