Legal Tech Online + _ September 2020

Stefanie Santana
7 min readSep 1, 2020


All things legal tech online: events, lectures and more!

Source: Afrik21



Fundación Mutualidad Abogacía pone en marcha Lab Emprendimiento Jurídico con el objetivo de desarrollar el talento emprendedor y la cultura de innovación en el mundo legal y encontrar soluciones innovadoras para afrontar con éxito los retos a los que se enfrenta el sector jurídico.

Las personas participantes en el programa tendrán la oportunidad de presentar sus ideas, participar en grupos de trabajo, desarrollar sus habilidades emprendedoras y entrar en contacto con un ecosistema emprendedor de networking. Todas las personas participantes tendrán acceso a formación especializada para emprendedores, además de un acompañamiento personalizado y colaborativo llevado a cabo por un equipo de mentores y mentoras que les ayudarán a desarrollar proyectos innovadores que revolucionen el sector jurídico.

¡Puedes inscribirte al programa tengas o no una idea innovadora que aporte valor al sector jurídico! Learn more here


NEW! Sept 28,29 & 30 — EY Curso Legal Design

EY Capacitación Te invita a participar del curso “Design Thinking” a cargo de Jaime Sáez, gerente senior de Consultoría e Innovación Digitalización y Experiencia del Cliente de EY y Tomás Harttig, senior consultant transformation de EY.

Objetivo: Al finalizar el curso el participante podrá desarrollar un común entendimiento de la metodología y podrá experimentar cómo se desarrolla un proceso de Design Thinking. Registo aquí

NEW! Sept 30 —Taller Virtual: Diseño Legal y Visual de tu Tienda Virtual

Diseño Legal de tu tienda virtual:

  • Relaciones comerciales de un negocio online
  • La importancia de no copiar e-contracts de otros sitios
  • Documentos legales necesarios
  • Contratos visuales que armonizan el diseño de tu tienda virtual

Más información:

The Laws of Digital Data, Content and Artificial Intelligence (AI) (FREE)

Discover the key legal concepts underpinning cyberspace and build legal expertise about digital technology. Enroll here


Los retos que presenta la irrupción tecnológica al jurista actual son apasionantes y exigen afrontarlos con conocimientos técnicos y precisos que permitan ejercer la profesión con el necesario nivel de competencia.

Durante este curso online que organiza la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y que tendrá lugar del 17 de octubre al 13 de noviembre, se ofrecerá una formación global sobre el impacto que tienen las tecnologías basadas en Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial o Blockchain en el Derecho.

Se trata de un curso introductorio pero ambicioso donde participan abogados, profesores universitarios e ingenieros y que ofrecerá al alumno una visión transversal y precisa de cómo afrontar y solucionar los problemas legales derivados de la tecnología e internet.

Entre el profesorado estará María Jesús González-Espejo, socia directora del Instituto de Innovación Legal y experta en transformación digital, innovación y LegalTech. Ella impartirá la última sesión del curso en la que dará una visión práctica basada en su experiencia como asesora de despachos de abogados, asesorías jurídicas de empresa y otras organizaciones del sector jurídico en innovación, transformación digital y LegalTech. Más informaciones aquí

NEW! Corporate Legal Operations Consortium

Registration for the CLOC Global Virtual Institute is now open! Join us as the world comes together to progress the business of law! You don’t want to miss it. Register here


Paid events are marked with **


Sept 28 — Oct 2 — Techlaw.Fest (Singapore) — RECOMMENDED!

TechLaw.Fest returns in 2020. Join us in this fully virtual event featuring over 20 hours of content from 20 countries across 5 days on all things law and technology! It’s been a year like no other, so it’s only fitting that TechLaw.Fest 2020 breaks the mould as well. With virtual networking rooms and an online exhibition space, the five-day affair will be more than just a series of webinars; it’s a virtual experience. Connect, converse and collaborate with the global legal community over the issues that matter to you right now, as well as those that will be hard to ignore in the coming years! Register here

NEW! Sept 30 — Future Skills for Lawyers — Hands on the Tech Dial

Do lawyer need to know how to code? Will future lawyers simply be replaced by algorithms or can lawyers play an active role in shaping the technology of the future? What skills do future lawyers need to join the profession?

Just some of the many questions to be addressed at this online webinar. Hear from our exception panel of lawyers, technologists, recruiters, and academics, who will explore the wave of disruption faced by lawyers and answer challenging questions relating to the skills lawyers must have to survive in the future, including: Which skills are in highest demand? how can those skills be developed? what leading technologies are currently available for lawyers to develop their own apps and client solutions? Register here


Sept 30 — LegalTech Talks — with Joshua Rozenberg; an interview with Professor Richard Susskind OBE.

Discussing prominent topics such as, the future of the profession, digital courts, the role of legal professionals, and much much more. LegalTech talks is proud to present two iconic and prolific industry leaders together for this live interview on 30th September at 15:00 (BST).

In his third and exclusive appearance with LegalTech Talks, Susskind is interviewed by Britain’s best-known legal commentator Joshua Rozenberg. Register here

NEW! Sept 30 — New Laws of Robotics: Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI

“Too many CEOs tell a simple story about the future of work: if a machine can do what you do, your job will be automated. They envision everyone from doctors to soldiers rendered superfluous by ever-more-powerful AI. They offer stark alternatives: make robots or be replaced by them. Another story is possible. In virtually every walk of life, robotic systems can make labor more valuable, not less.” Such says the promo for Frank Pasquale’s new book about the future of work and the age if AI that is about to be published by Havard University Press in October 2020.

At this event, Frank Pasquale will present his book and engage in a discussion about what it means for the future legal industry and those who are going to work in it. To participate in that discussion we have invited Niels Christian Ellegaard who authored the book Robots entering the legal profession last year. Register here

NEW! Sept 30 — Liquid Legal Experience 2020 **

In partnership with the Anwaltszukunftskongress (AZK), which takes place on October 1st, all registered participants will have the opportunity to work interactively in parallel sessions on LLI’s top topics. Topics that are relevant for the entire legal market and that we want to tackle together.

Our basic principle at LLI, we value multidisciplinarity and collaboration. The more diverse the groups are, the better! This means, interested non-lawyers are warmly invited to participate.

Here are our 5 working sessions. Each session will be run by several experts. Please indicate when you register which session you’ll like to participate in:

  1. Methodologies (Live User Research — be part of the answer)
  2. Digitalization
  3. Diversity
  4. Lawyer well-being
  5. Standardization

Register Early

NEW! Oct 12 — Legal tech trends in the North American market

Join us for a lively discussion on trends in the North American legal tech market with our powerhouse panel!

  • Richard Tromans — Artificial Lawyer
  • Christian Lang — Head of Strategy, Reynen Court
  • Jae Um — Director of Pricing Strategy, Baker McKenzie
  • Jules Miller — Partner, Mindset Ventures
  • Haley Altman — Global Director of Business Development and Strategy, Litera Microsystems
  • Eric Chin — Principal, Alpha Creates and Lead Researcher, Global Legal Tech Report
  • Stevie Ghiassi — Founder and CEO, Legaler and Project Director, Global Legal Tech Report

This broad ranging conversation will draw on insights gleaned from the Global Legal Tech Report initiative and cover topics including:

  • Impact of COVID-19 on Legal Tech companies across the region
  • Gender diversity in the Legal Tech market
  • Access to funding
  • Access to talent in the Legal Tech market
  • The product market landscape in the North American region

Attendees at this free event will receive 50% off the Global Legal Tech Report for North America! Register here


The 2020 LegalGeek Conference has relaunched today — you can expect speakers from every continent, speed networking, live workshops, live talks, social events and more! Tickets are capped at 10,000 and available on a first-come-first-served basis. Register here

Oct 13–16 — Clio Cloud Conference**

Description: Early Bird price ends on August 31st.
Life-changing keynote speakers, paradigm-shifting workshops and sessions, and practice-shaping technological innovations on a global scale — reimagined to meet you where you are. Welcome to the Clio Cloud Conference. Register here


Learn which legal topics, business processes, technologies, and business models are shaping the legal industry.

Panelists and keynotes will present the fundamental context of digital transformation, innovation and legal tech. Register here

Oct 22&23 — Legal Project Management — gathering of international practitioners**

We invite you to the online conference for everyone interested in legal project management. It is addressed to lawyers, tax advisors, compliance officers, legal project managers, procurement officers and more! Through TED style presentations, expert panels and keynote speeches we want to create an environment allowing dynamic creation and exchange of know-how and practical guidelines, acquiring usable skills in the area of legal projects, innovation and technology. Register here


Sept 29 & 30 — Foro Juridico — Covid 19:El llamado al scenario para el abogado digital

Conoce a los lideres de la disrupción legal en México, y como la incorporación de la tecnología le permitira a los servicios legales adaptarse a una “nueva normalidad” Contacto:

NEW! Sept 30 — Legal Tech en la gestión del trabajo legal, por donde empezar

Registro aquí

Register Early

NEW! Oct 1 — Inscripción Webinar “Big Data en el Sector Público: ¿Cuál es el Futuro?”

Este webinar es el segundo del ciclo de eventos denominado “El Presente y Futuro de los Datos: Decisiones de Hoy que Impactarán a la Sociedad del Futuro”, de la Asociación Colombiana de Legal Tech — alt+co. Registro aquí

NEW! Oct 5 — Un Reto Compartido: La Educación Financiera

Se presentará el estudio que Fundación Mutualidad Abogacía ha realizado junto a la Universidad de Valencia sobre el ahorro en el sector de la abogacía. Se profundizará sobre la importancia que cobra la educación financiera a lo largo de todas las etapas de a vida, el papel de las institución públicas y privadas a este respecto y los retos y oportunidades que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías en el acceso a la información y la adquisición de competencias financieros. Registro aquí



Stefanie Santana
Stefanie Santana

Written by Stefanie Santana

Legal Technologist and chef aficionado | Currently in Tokyo | English, French & Spanish. Let’s Connect! LinkedIn: Stefanie V. Santana

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