Legal Tech online events — August 2020

Stefanie Santana
7 min readAug 1, 2020


Now divided by regions. Will be updated weekly, don’t miss out!

The list features free and paid online events. Paid events are marked with **

Source: Afrik21


Aug 13–14 – A new paradigm in Justice Delivery

Description: The LEGALTECH CONFERENCE slated to hold on Thursday August 13 and Friday August 14th. is a free, 2-day event aimed at bridging the gap between the Legal Industry, Administration of Justice and the general populace, using Technology. Also, it will feature keynote sessions, interactive panel discussions, breakout sessions, networking and the virtual exhibition booth, designed to address key issues at a functional level to improve law practice efficiency and legal service delivery.

Register here



Sept 8 — Legal Force Conference 2020 (Japanese )

Description: 法務機能強化の機運が近年大きな高まりを見せる中、



法務機能強化のための具体策を考えます。Register Here

Sept 28 — Oct 2 — Techlaw.Fest (Singapore)

Description: TechLaw.Fest returns in 2020. Join us in this fully virtual event featuring over 20 hours of content from 20 countries across 5 days on all things law and technology! It’s been a year like no other, so it’s only fitting that TechLaw.Fest 2020 breaks the mould as well. With virtual networking rooms and an online exhibition space, the five-day affair will be more than just a series of webinars; it’s a virtual experience. Connect, converse and collaborate with the global legal community over the issues that matter to you right now, as well as those that will be hard to ignore in the coming years! Register here


Aug 5 — LawFestLive 2020 (New Zealand)**

Description: LawFest is the opportunity for your firm to learn more about what innovation looks like, how to do it, and the innovative practices others are adopting in this fast-changing and disruptive area. It’s all about how you can innovate in your own firm to help you drive greater efficiency within your organisation and ultimately drive profitability. The one-day conference provides a platform to learn how to innovate and adopt technology, connect with innovators in the legal industry, establish relationships, and discover technology that matters to you and your organisation. The event is held in Auckland each year with 300+ attendees, over 25 incredible speakers, and over 20 exhibits of legal technology solutions. LawFest content and speakers change each year, so don’t miss out on the legal innovation event of 2021. Register here


Bucerius Legal Tech Essentials Lectures

Register here

August 3 — Dispute Resolution and Legal Design by Riikka Koulu, Professor University of Helsinki

August 4 — Growth and Complexity by Dirk Hartung, Executive Director of Legal Technology Bucerius Law School

August 4 — Quantifying Legal Complexity by Janis Beckedorf, Heidelberg University

August 5 — Online Courts and the Future of Justice by Richard Susskind, legal technology pioneer

August 6 — Regulating Legal Technology by Daniel B. Rodriguez, Professor Northwestern University

August 6 — Regulating Legal Technology by Markus Hartung, Bucerius CLP

Aug 12 — Innovation Roundtable — Legal Innovation, R&D and Tech (UK)

Description: With innovation at the forefront of legal community to allow closer alignment with clients, this session will discuss the importance of R&D for delivery of legal services and driving innovative client solutions.

This panel will discuss the legal sector innovation hubs, new solution offerings and the challenges of delivery whilst exploring the long-term benefits this offers. Register here


Description: This five-day conference offers comprehensive peer-driven programs, educational content, and face-to-face virtual networking. Industry experts and the legal community collaborate to discover and evolve successful legal operation strategies for today’s transforming legal industry. Register here

Aug 27 —Strive To Upskill: Demystifying Legal Tech

Description: The STRIVE team is excited to invite you to join us on Thursday 27th August at 6.30–7.30 pm for our third webinar in our STRIVE TO UPSKILL series. This webinar is hosted by the leading legal tech experts at BRYTER. This is not only an opportunity to gain insight into the world of legal tech, but to also equip you with an understanding of the need for technology and automation in the legal market. Our hosts will also explore the career paths involving legal technology. The webinar will then be followed by a Q&A session. Register here



Description: We are thrilled to bring you “The Evolving Legal Department” a virtual summit unlike any other!

This innovative conference brings together diverse, industry leaders from pre-eminent companies — including HP, Facebook, Stripe, USI and others — who will dive deep into the rapidly changing legal department landscape and what they see as their role in shaping this change amidst unprecedented social, technological and workplace change.

The panel discussions will be reinforced by educational and interactive breakout sessions for legal ops and in-house professionals at every level.

And true to the theme of evolution and innovation, you can expect a next level virtual experience. This event will come together on our custom built technology platform — expect best in class production value and a seamless experience that will engage and inspire capped off by an intimate networking experience that you will not want to miss. Register here


Description: Covid-19 has accelerated the digital adoption of consumers and businesses. McKinsey estimate that in eight weeks, digitisation was put forward by five years. No industry or part of the economy is immune. From telemedicine to virtual social events, billions of people changed their behaviours instantaneously. For businesses, it means a change in their basic business models. Sectors such as the legal industry, which has been slow to adopt technology, find themselves under tremendous pressure to digitise to adapt to their clients. FT Digital Lawyers will probe into how the industry is responding to these new pressures, how it is changing the professional dynamic between lawyers and the consumers of their services and what it will mean to be a lawyer post Covid-19. Register here


The 2020 LegalGeek Conference has relaunched today — you can expect speakers from every continent, speed networking, live workshops, live talks, social events and more! Tickets are capped at 10,000 and available on a first-come-first-served basis. Register here

Oct 13–16 — Clio Cloud Conference**

Description: Early Bird price ends on August 31st.
Life-changing keynote speakers, paradigm-shifting workshops and sessions, and practice-shaping technological innovations on a global scale — reimagined to meet you where you are. Welcome to the Clio Cloud Conference. Register here


Aug 5 — Legal Tech: Herramientas del abogado del Futuro (Español)

Descripción: El comité de pasantes de la ANADE te invita a su sesión virtual. Expositores: Lic. Pepe Toriello Martínez, fundador Red de Frmas; Lic. Juan Luis Hernández Conde, socio fundador Novus Concilium; Moderador: Lic. Nuhad Ponce Kuri, social Ponce Curi, SC. Facebook Live, miralo aquí.

Aug 4 al 7 — Webinars: Transformación digital para la función legal​ (Español)

Descripción: Cuatro webinars gratuitos que te ayudarán a dar los primeros pasos en la transformación digital de tu departamento legal. En Alster hemos diseñado 4 sesiones educativas siguiendo la trilogía personas + procesos + tecnología, donde desde la mano de líderes de innovación legal en Latinoamérica podrás conocer los conceptos claves de la transformación digital y con un enfoque para abogados. Registrate aquí

Aug 6 — Neo 101 — Customer Experience (Español)

Descripción: Luego de varios años desarrollando proyectos para organizaciones que colocan la experiencia de sus clientes como eje de su transformación, hemos podido sintetizar los conceptos principales de esta disciplina en nuestro #Neo101 de #CX. Si te lo perdiste, miralo aquí

Nota: No es una conferencia Legal Tech en si, pero se discutiran temas de “client-centered focus approach”.

Aug 20 – WEBINAR: INNOVACIÓN LEGAL Legaltech, New Law y Legal Design

Descripción: Panel integrado por expertos internacionales:

  • Diego Alvarez: Socio Fundador de la Asociación Ecuatoriana de Protección de Datos. Country Manager para Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala y El Salvador de la startup colombiana Biz Latin Hub.
  • Karol Valencia: Human/Digital Nomad/BeSci & Tech Lover/Legal Designer at eID/Facilitator in Legal Design & mindset frameworks/Teacher & Mentor/Blogger/ Futurist Enthusiast

Regístrate aquí

Aug 21 — Innovando el Sector Legal a través de las Metodologías, Ciencias y Diseño (Español)

Descripción: ¡Este viernes 21 de agosto a las 7:30 pm te esperamos en nuestro Webinar por FB LIVE! Tenemos grandes invitados que nos van a nutrir con amplio conocimiento. Facebook live link here

Aug 24–28 — AB2L Law Disruption Week (Portuguese)

Description: Participe de uma semana inteira com os profissionais mais disruptivosinovadores do direito e da justiça. UM EVENTO PARA QUEM SE PREPARA PARA O FUTURO.

  • Legal Design Thinking
  • Futuro do Ensino Jurídico
  • O Futuro dos Tribunais: Open Justice e Online Courts
  • Inteligência Artificial: Desafios Éticos, Jurídicos e Casos Concretos
  • LGPD: A Privacidade, Implementação e Sociedade de Dados
  • Blockchain: Smart Contracts, Propriedade Intelectual, Regulação e Aspectos Fiscais
  • O Futuro da Regulação: Regtechs, Open Banking e Sandbox

Register here

Aug 25 — Regulación Digital y Protección al usuario

Register here

Aug 26 — Automatización de documentos legales

Descripción: #ForoJuridico organizó el próximo #ForoDigital — Los esperamos el próximo miércoles 26 de agosto de 2020 a las 10:00 am (Colombia time) para que conversemos con Fabian Urriago Guzmán y Alejandro Esteve de Miguel sobre la “#Automatización de #Documentos #Legales”, hablaremos de qué es automatizar docs, cómo se automatizan los docs y cómo esto ayuda en la práctica un despacho como Gómez-Pinzón Abogados, estaremos moderados por Janet Huerta Estefan.

Webinar ID: 437 828 336 Participant ID:564552

Aug 27— 3er LegalTech Forum!

Descripción: Un espacio referente en innovación y tecnología legal en Latinoamérica. 9 speakers from across South America. Registrate aquí

NEW! Aug 27 — TECH DAY

Descripción: Organizado por Universidad Expcializada del contador public. Registrate aquí

AUG 31 — Legal Design e Visual Law na Práctica (Portuguese)

Description: A relação das pessoas com as normas não precisa ser densa nem difícil. Com o uso da tecnologia e do design, novas portas se abrem para que se torne mais amigável o contato entre indivíduos e contratos, legislações e regulamentos. Como vídeos, infografia, gamification e recursos online podem facilitar a compreensão dos textos legais e aumentar a transparência entre as partes? Venha compreender esses conceitos com nossos instrutores. Register here



Stefanie Santana
Stefanie Santana

Written by Stefanie Santana

Legal Technologist and chef aficionado | Currently in Tokyo | English, French & Spanish. Let’s Connect! LinkedIn: Stefanie V. Santana

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